
Body Language & Non-Verbal Communication Skills

What are you saying when you’re not saying anything?
  • Understanding the messages you are sending with your own body language
  • Tune into and interpret the body language of others
  • Utilize mirroring techniques to build rapport
  • Learn how to get a baseline of a persons body language
  • How to use body language to ask powerful questions
  • Explore the 7 Universal Facial Expressions
  • Detect and understand micro-expressions
  • Identify hotspots, incongruence, and uncover the truth in questionable interactions and sticky situations
  • Use body language strategies to increase confidence and minimize the effects of physical reactions to stressful situations.

Our Services

Teleprompter Training

Learn how to combat the two biggest obstacles in cultivating the skill of Teleprompter: Sounding like you’re reading, and looking like you’re reading, a deer in the headlights or worse – expressionless

Ear Prompter Training

It’s a skill that is a must for the actor, influencer, presenter, for self-taped auditions, live presentations, public speaking and social media videos

Our Training Studios

Choose from 3 training locations in the tristate area, or nationally on site at your location or virtually via Zoom

Blue Hill Plaza

Hudson Valley

Pearl Studios NYC

New York City

Inception Company

New Jersey