Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Calmfidence® Know yourself… trust yourself…. you’ve got this. Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions as well as those around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they’re feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people. Prioritizing your emotional…

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Calming Hot Chocolate

Calming Hot Chocolate Recipe HOW TO MAKE CALMING HOT CHOCOLATE TO RELIEVE STRESS AND ANXIETY: Even though most hot chocolate contains unhealthy, hidden ingredients, you won’t have to worry about that with this nutrient-packed beverage. You also won’t have to deal with insulin spikes from added sugars, which most packaged hot chocolate will have if you…

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The Fastest Way to Lose Your Audience

The Fastest Way to Lose Your Audience No volume no audience! When the audience has to work too hard to hear you they will eventually give up. I continue to be amazed by bad sound systems at schools, churches, hotels, corporate auditoriums, and community events. Or the soft spoken speaker who thinks that because they…

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Two Things You Should NEVER Say Before a Speech or Interview

Two Things You Should NEVER Say Before a Speech or Interview “I can’t wait for this to be over!”  “I’m too nervous to do this!” When your self-talk or outward talk exclaims, “I can’t wait for this to be over” a domino effect begins to take place. You will talk too fast. Nerves make most…

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Body Language Daily Hacks

Body Language Daily Hacks 1- Use your space! – Your body language shows how comfortable you are in your own skin and in your situation. When you stand and sit tall, and expand your arms or legs outward or upward (crossing your legs with ankle over thigh like the number 4 or stretching an arm out…

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Do you swallow your words when you speak?

Do you swallow your words when you speak? Have you ever had dry mouth? It’s awful right? Your throat gets scratchy & irritated and you might even have to cough. Not so good during a speech or interview Too much saliva is also bad. You’re gonna have to swallow and that’s also tough during a…

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Are You a Fast Talker?

Are You a Fast Talker? Most folks speed up when they are nervous or when that excited adrenaline is pumping. Plan for it and consciously open your speech or conversation at a slow pace. This will set the tone for the rest of your talk. If your intention is to just “get this over with”…

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Body Language Calmfidence®

Body Language Calmfidence® Many women sell themselves short with this Body Language mistake. Nothing will minimize your presence more than bad posture. Often times we are subconsciously making ourselves smaller and giving our power away when we implode into ourselves with rolled shoulders, chin down, arms and hands clasped demurely in front of us. This…

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5 ways to OWN your day with Calmfidence®

5 ways to OWN your day with Calmfidence® 1-You snooze you loose! But why? It’s so toasty and warm and I just need 5 more minutes! When you hit that snooze button you are telling your subconscious I’m not ready, I don’t want to tackle this day. You literally start your day by putting things…

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